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What effect does a Sinus Infection have on pregnancy?

The most common sinus symptom in pregnant woman is a runny, stuffed-up nose. About 30% of pregnant women have congestion without having a cold. This condition is called pregnancy Rhinitis. It is very similar to Allergic Rhinitis, except that it does not appear to be caused by any environmental allergens or toxins. It can lasts for at least six weeks, and can occur at anytime throughout your pregnancy, and usually occurs in the first trimester. The symptoms of pregnancy Rhinitis usually clear up on their own within two weeks after delivery.

What causes Pregnancy Rhinitis?

It is believed that high levels of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to pregnancy Rhinitis. During pregnancy, the placenta produces large amounts of estrogen. Estrogen is known to aggravate mucus production and cause the mucous membranes lining to swell.

To make things worse, the amount of blood in your body increases and your blood vessels expand during pregnancy, and this can lead to a swelling of your nasal membranes.

Being pregnant makes you more sensitive to allergens and other irritants that have never bothered you before becoming pregnant. If your allergies already exist, pregnancy just makes them even worse.

Things to avoid when you are pregnant to decrease your chances of getting a Sinus Infection

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Sudden temperature changes
  • Exercising outdoors when there's lots of pollution outside
  • Avoid overusing decongestant nasal sprays
  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to nasal allergens and pollutants

Things you can do for relief

  • Steaming can be very effective at relieving congestion
  • Replace the filters often
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Keep your head elevated at night
  • Avoid overusing decongestant nasal sprays
  • Flush your nasal passages with saltwater nose drops several times a day

Symptoms of Pregnancy Rhinitis

Symptoms of Pregnancy Rhinitis vary from woman to woman, however, they usually include:

  • Persistent coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal itching
  • Congestion
  • Headaches caused by nasal congestion

Effective treatment for Pregnancy Rhinitis

We have designed a homeopathic remedy that treats patients with Pregnancy Rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis
Sinus-Pro Remedies Rhinitis Remedy
Assists in the treatment of Sneezing, Congestion, pain and pressure in the sinus cavities
Buy Now$28 (30 day supply)
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$51 (60 day supply)
save $5


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